So, with the end of week 3 and the end of week 4 - here's the scoop.
After using all my AP and all my WP (I mean REALLY using them all) I ended up down .2. Good thing I peed before I got weighed in or it probably would have been a no change. At the end of week 3 I actually had gone over my points allowance by 8. Lesson here - DO NOT GO OVER.
So, that being said - I completely jumped without abandon on week 4. This time, I went a full 22 points over my WP and AP and ended up gaining .2. Lesson here - REALLY, REALLY DO NOT GO OVER.
Although I am forever tempted to blow all my WP every weekend, it occurs to me that this is a very bad idea. Regardless of my planning there will always be something that comes up during the week that I attempt to solve with food. I think I have to start simply accepting that I've got to leave a little wiggle room every week for the inevitable "holy shit - how do I deal with this" moment.
It would be great if I could channel my energies into something other than food but honestly, that's a stretch. I've been self medicating with food for 39 years - it's going to take a while to break that habit.
So after a full month - I'm down 6. Certainly not the 10 I was shooting for but well within my "glass half empty" parameters. The WW already stole their second $40 payment from my checking account so we're off the races on month two. Shortly I will start obsessing about exercising but honestly, I'm not feeling it yet.