Sometimes though, the dreams are very vivid and extremely clear. I remember distinct parts or feelings that are associated with the dream when I wake up and anytime I wake up remembering a dream - I guess I assume those are the ones I should pay attention to.
There should have been no logical reason why I had this particular dream on this particular night but a few nights ago I woke in the morning having seen an eagle. I hadn't been watching or reading about eagles, or the wilderness or even government (yeah, that last one is stretch - but...)
I was in an airplane and quite content looking out at the clouds and the sky from my coach seat. I don't think the coach seat means much other than I've always wanted to fly first class just once. Anyway - I was looking at the clouds and the colors and was feeling quite content when I notice and eagle flying straight toward my window. Never mind we were 30,000 feet up - this eagle was soaring straight at my window. He started as a pinprick and kept getting closer. I felt inspired and in the dream was happy to be witnessing this beautiful bird soaring straight at me so I could get a closer look. I was enthusiastic about the fact that you sometimes forget how beautiful the eagle is and just when I decided "yeah, eagles are really awesome birds" I got scared. The eagle was getting closer and I was really worried because I thought it was going to hit the plane and die. It was very close now and at the last minute it veered off. I didn't see it again but I breathed a sigh of relief because I knew the bird had flown away from the plane and would be fine.
When I woke up I remembered all of this quite clearly. It was days ago when I had this dream and I can still see it in my minds eye. The pinks and blues of the sky, the eagle, the veering off.
So - I thought I should probably do a little follow up on this one. This was definitely not a left brain analytical. This was my right brain trying to tell me something. Good or bad, I wanted to know.
Apparently - there are a couple of different ways to look at this... but here is what I found:
Eagle Dream Meaning
or this:
Carl Jung said that birds represent thoughts while birds in flight symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens. Doves and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. Your dream depends on its details, but if the birds in your dream were flying free, it may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical freedom.
or this:
To see one soaring above you, interpret lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires.
So.... I say yeah! It's hard to decide which one of these I like the best and usually I've got more than one plan cooking at a time. But, if there's any truth to any of this and if it has anything to do with my get skinny plan, there may still be hope for a new day.
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