Thursday, May 26, 2011

I just ate a cupcake

I've been staring at this particular cupcake for over a week. 

Every time I go to fill up my coffee cup, get a glass of water - grab anything from the kitchen - this damn cupcake is simply staring at me.  He was the last of a six pack of gourmet - $2.50 a cake treats that my boss brought in to work one day.


Now, understand that I have VERY similar situations rear their ugly heads almost every day at work.  Usually, someone is bringing in brownies or cookies or donuts on Friday.  My workplace is a never ending stream of gut wrenching sweet treat decisions.  No lie - this happens every week. 

So what was it really that made me decide the "chocolate milkshake" cupcake with the white sprinkles was doomed? 


I had healthy treats at my desk, including an apple, a kiwi, some strawberries, mini rice cakes, a package of almonds and a package of tuna.  I also could have grabbed out of the kitchen some fresh cantaloupe, a popsicle, oatmeal, soup, crackers, gingersnaps, or fig newtons... and that's just what's up for grabs in the front.  So, why... why... why... did I choose the cupcake?

This is the mental block I have with food.  The Cupcake.  That's me.