Wednesday, January 8, 2014

awwww snap...

Everytime I tell myself I am going to shut this darn thing down - I don't. I'm not exactly sure what that's all about but as it stands - there is more kvetching to be done.

It's a new year and my obsessions are the same.
yo yo dieting - "my new hobby!"
exercise - "woo hoo - when do I get my damn fit bit flex?"
the kids - "college planning... do I have a role here?"
my job - "just as stupid as ever.  I officially think I am lazy now"

So - some snappy updates, eh?   Alrighty then -

Went off WW in August and jumped on the LC bandwagon.  LOVED it!  Went from 207 to 195 in about 2 months.  Got as low as 193 and was feelin' great. Then  -  completely ate whatever the hell I wanted from the middle of November through January 1st and ended up at 211.  (apparently I keep circling 205, eh?)  So - new year, same story.  Back in the saddle.  

In other news.  I think I quit smoking.  It started simply enough with me missing an entire day because there was no way/space/time to smoke at the Ohio State game.  So - after 24 hours with no cigarette... I just kept adding days until I was over the hump.  I can't say I am permanently quit because I had a couple over the course of the past couple of months.  But since I consider this a success, I am going to get my teeth  whitened (I wonder how much that costs?).

Some other things..
1. I ran for school board.  I lost.  It sucked.
2. I'm worried about my Dad's health
3. I think I need to have sex with my husband more
4. My friends are falling away from me.  This also sucks.

I'm back to reading other people's blogs.  My guilty pleasure... spying - in plain sight.

I feel like this blog should have some kind of direction but I honestly couldn't say what it could be.  There's all sorts of bloggers out there taking food pictures and running pictures and writing snarky odes to everything under the sun... but at the end of the day, I just have a ton of thoughts about a ton of things with no funnel and no friends to whine to so instead of saving them up I'm going to try to get them all out - again.



  1. I love you for this post. So I just had a kid and am now fat. I want shoes for the summer. I Google fat girl shoes and your page comes up. Awesome. Ps fuck weight watchers.

  2. Just checked back in after months away... yes, I'm a bad blogger. Thanks so much for the comment... good luck on the shoe buying... might I suggest flip flops, everyday for everything until you find your toes turning blue and you are coveting socks?
