Monday, November 21, 2011

I seriously hate where I live

As I move through my life (notice move through - not move into) I am one of those people who actually thinks about it.  I truly try to see the good in people.  I am optimistic even when things go wrong.  I try not to worry, and when things go wrong I'm usually pretty successful in finding a way to turn it into a positive.  I am one of those people who chooses to be happy when it is usually quite clear there is no reason to be.

Today - is not one of those days.

Nothing is wrong.  Nothing is any different than any other day.  It's just that today, I am seeing the world without my rose colored glasses and it really, truly sucks.

I live in Ohio.  Dull, grey, ugly Ohio.  And, no - it's not Columbus or Cleveland or even Cincinnati.  It's nowheresville.  No culture, no restaurants, no music scene, there's not even a god damned bookstore within 30 miles.  Nothing.   Where I live there are no dance clubs, no historic house tours, no horse training stables, no yacht clubs, no.... nothing.  And it's sad. 

All of my greatest ideas, all my contributions to the world that I think I might one day make are as stagnant as the water here.  Nothing moves.  We just circle and rant and circle again. 

At the very least it would be nice to say it's safe or a good place to raise your family.  Except for that there is no industry and consequently no money.  With a dead economy, people here lock their doors and their minds.  Raising my sons in this void, I hope I have the strength to show them what the world could be.

Today, my rose colored glasses are not on - and everything is grey.

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