Monday, February 6, 2012

Stripped down and smug pups

213 this morning by the trusty new scale. 

Although at first glance it appear as if this was a no carb week of shocking losses, the truth is I stripped all my clothes off and got on the bastard buck neked in the morning right after I peed.  (I probably would have shaved my legs if I thought that might help the process along too... )

I did not do what I said I was going to do with the alternating low carb and high carb days.  Really?  Yeah, really. 

Spent most of the weekend moving for a friend who died in a tragic accident last October.  It was horrible for the family - and very sad.  We talked a lot about time and death and life over the weekend and this morning I woke up absolutely convinced I was going to eat well - and be nice to people.  These were the only two rules.

By 10:30am I had broke both.  (What the hell is wrong with me?)

By 10:30 am I ate two oatmeal cookies and told the intern at work he was a son of a bitch.  Yep.  True story.  There is absolutely no way I can be nice to this kid (20's) with a shit eating grin who is 4 credit hours light from fucking up someone else's life...  sounds like there is a story there, huh?  OK - fine, if you insist...

Let me preface this by saying I have no initial issue with engineers.  I find them to be lazy and categorically limited in their range to accept and understand anything that is not within their speciality.  My problem with several engineers I deal with on weekly basis is the fact they are smug and believe that because they are engineers, they are smarter than everyone else in the room.  I get extra raw when the little pup is but 21, and can't follow simple instructions.

Said pup and I are engaged in a project to re-work a series of drawings for our company's website.  He keeps telling me they are done and I keep finding errors.  This has gone on now for 6 weeks.  On Friday I realized that the easiest way to keep most of his work was for me to make a change to the design specification.  A major change.  A change that I explained in detail on Friday afternoon.  Turns out smug pup isn't so playful on Monday morning.

A fair amount of whining to the wrong people and I'm left to justify the changes.  Unfortunately, this did not go well for him.  Long story short - I was right, he was embarrassed and I my best guess it will be another 6 weeks before I get everything done.  Lesson to all smug pup intern engineers... do NOT fuck with a fat Midwestern mom first thing Monday morning unless you want bitch slapped into place. 

Oh, and bring me my coffee... with Splenda, if you please.

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