Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Travels - the bracelet

So I think I was late to the party that is the Travelling Red Dress.

Like everything, I had this brilliant idea about two years ago to send a piece of jewelry to some of the fabulous women who have made an impact on my life.  I think somewhere along the line, I heard about the pair of jeans book.  In high school, my friends and I shared scarves, and jewelry and sweaters...  so now that I am an adult, I suppose I wanted to try to live that all over again with a piece of jewelry.  But before I could send off the bracelet that I had chosen - it broke while I was wearing it.  In my world of fate and kooky consequences it was clear to me that a broken bracelet was no way to start this weave into the world. I needed to wait until I had something solid.  Something that was good for me, something I loved, that would not break.   Fast forward two years to about a month ago.

Wasting away another day at the computer I stumbled across the story of the Travelling Red Dress Ay' Carumba!  There were (of course) other people who had the same fabulous idea as me.  They chose to get it started with a red dress... which turned into several red dresses... which turned into a bit of a movement.  It was time to find a bracelet and on a much smaller scale, send it into the world.

Every year my mother and I hit the same artisan craft show in the summer.  And, every year she buys me a bracelet from this little old man who weaves these beautiful gold and silver knots into sparkly, bangly bands that I simply cannot get enough of.  At the time, I thought I was simply drawn to how they looked.  In retrospect (and after pulling out my stockpile) I realized there was much, much more to his signature style.  Different materials, and different knots all add to the beauty of these things.  The super bonus was they were big enough to look fabulous dangling from my plus size wrist. 

So, I chose one.  It was not my favorite one but instead one that I thought I could part with.  One that has been worn all over the world (they slide right through metal detectors at the airport).  One that was beautiful enough to be given away and one that was sturdy enough to endure some additional travel and abuse.  I put together a little package with the bracelet including a small notebook and a card.  The card explained why I was sending the bracelet and what you were supposed to do with it when you were done.  The book was for writing a brief story if you choose.

My next step was deciding who would get this bracelet first.  I have always been very lucky to surround myself at different times in my life with people who seemed the perfect match.  I knew it had to be Jules.  This is the woman who talked me off a ledge back when I needed it at 19 years old.  Upset and frustrated with my weight and my decisions, I was talking out loud about my life and my choices.  Of course this was back in the day where depression was never diagnosed let alone talked about and anti-depression drugs weren't popping up like Pez.  I didn't realize I was depressed at the time but I was.  I went to some ineffective on-campus counseling and as I chain smoked my way through a bottle of Absolut, Jules said the one thing to me that I will never, ever forget.  " I would never hurt myself because I can't wait to see what happens next."   HO-LY-SHIT.  In just one short sentence she helped to shape the rest of my life - "you never know what is going to happen next."

So, Jules it is.  Today I put the bracelet in an envelope and mailed it off to her.  She does not know it is coming.  I know she will wear it well, follow the directions and send it on.   It may never make it back to me and if it doesn't, that's OK.  I did good in the world today.  I reached out and sent my love on to someone who may or may not know why.  I truly believe in the God that weaves us all together.  Some obvious and some not.  

p.s. - I want a red dress.

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