Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My demon is a demanding bitch...

Whether you've actually seen the Twilight movies or not - you may have seen the trailer where Edward looks at Bella and says.. "you are my own special brand of heroin." 

And that my dears... is my relationship with food. 

I love it.  I need it.  I think about it hundreds of times a day. 

What am I going to eat? When? Where? With who?

I eat when I'm happy, confused, depressed, hungry, not hungry, anxious, sick, bored and busy. 

I love healthy food, bad food, restaurants, food trucks, eating at home, eating at parties and everything in between. 

The trouble is - when you are addicted to the one thing that has the propensity to kill you it's hard to know when to stop. 

My entire life revolves around food.  I exercise so I can have an excuse to feed my demon.  When I don't, I feed the fucker anyway and then bitch when my jeans are too tight.  I justify my menu because I believe I deserve to have some happiness. 

I play games with myself and my diet depending on my mood of the minute/hour/day/month.

I am so very tired of cutting deals with myself over my obsession with food. 

I am tired and don't want to think about it anymore....  except that I am in love with her... my demon...  and I don't know how to just eat enough to survive instead of enough to sooth my soul. 

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