Thursday, October 11, 2012

Non fat people calling themselves fat

The older I get the more accustomed I've become to hearing skinny people call themselves fat.
And, just because I understand why they would (that is an entirely separate post) - does not mean I can stand it.

It absolutely, positively drives me fucking crazy.

There appears to be some discrepancy about what defines a "fat" woman these days - I will take a few moments to give you a short bullet list. 

  • If you can shop in a the misses or juniors section of any given store at any given time - YOU ARE NOT FAT
  • If it has never occurred to you to be nervous that you are taking up too much room on the bench seat of the booth at the restaurant you are sharing - YOU ARE NOT FAT
  • If you've never squeezed your ass into an airplane seat and then had to adjust the hand rests because they are wiggling up over the course of your flight due to your giggly hips - YOU ARE NOT FAT
  • If you've never been eyeballed at: the bakery, the fast food store, the liquor store or the ice cream shop by a thin person who appears to be questioning your choices - YOU ARE NOT FAT
  • If you've never been worried about breaking a weak looking chair or other piece of furniture - YOU ARE NOT FAT
  • If you've never avoided sitting on someone else's lap because you are afraid you're going to hurt them - YOU ARE NOT FAT.
This list could go on, and on, and on and on..... 

Here's the short version.  I think I may explode the next time some size 6 pixie stick is looking to me for support because she "just can't believe" she's going to eat another Twix bar.  Kiss my size 18 ass, bitch. 

And yes - I feel bad for you body dysmorphic sisters who are bulimic and anorexic and all the rest... but fuck you into next week if you think your poor body image even compares with the level of ridicule and disgust that a truly large size woman has to deal with on a weekly daily basis. 

It is infuriating to hear a normal (read size 10-14) woman bitch about being fat.  It makes my blood actually boil to hear a size 4 woman dare to do it.  

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